Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Ferrets are Fun Pets but Beware

Ferrets are loveable creatures, fluffy, furry, full of fun and perpetual energy. They are permanently playful as kittens and heart meltingly adorable to look at.

They are always searching for something and in the process of looking are expert wreckers. These guys could move mountains.

They are also thieves and expertly hoard their booty in a variety of places. They know no fear and will go anyway and tackle anything. Having a ferret hopping around your home is the best thing to bring a smile to any face. They're not the third most popular pet for nothing.

As pets ferrets are really lovely creatures but beware because they're difficult pets to keep and their health needs careful watching. They also like to bite, especially ears and toes.

Ferrets are pets you need to research and learn about for your sake and for theirs. They need proper training and care. You can train them with expert advice for things like not biting and in relation to toilet. Diet and health care is very important as it is with most small furry animals, like rats and mice.

You need to allow for vet fees and you need to find a vet specialising in ferrets. For example, a young female ferret needs to be de-sexed at six months old if she is not going to breed, otherwise she could die. Be sure the vet is an expert on ferrets. You don't want to lose your pet because losing a ferret is truly a sad affair.

Don't, please, just buy a ferret and think you can look after it and it will be ok. It probably won't be ok. You need to learn about these lovely but delicate creatures so that you can keep them healthy and alive and enjoy a fun life with them to the full.

By : James Larkin

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